Thursday, January 6, 2011

Chapter 2: Other People

What nobody ever tells you about being pregnant and other people knowing is:

1. People who never talked to you a day in your life will begin talking to you.
I can't even tell you how many people have started a friendship with me (or tried to) since they found out Jeremy and I were going to have a baby together. Some days this is frustrating and kind of a nuisance. I refuse to be some story for people to tell. I know that a lot of people in the world will just get involved for a short amount of time because they want to be "in the know" and talk to people about the situation. And some people find that it's a lot harder to relate to me now that I'm pregnant... this takes us to number 2
2. It becomes harder to keep friendships with people who haven't been in your place.
I still love all of my friends so so much and I would never want to make them feel neglected (if I have I am truly sorry) but it is so difficult to maintain the friendships simply because they do not understand. This is nothing against them or anything that is their fault and I always put that in the front of my mind. It's just that nobody understands the pressure, the stress, the hormones, the planning, the love, the frustration, the joy, the pain, the tiredness, the sickness, the thoughts, or anything else that you experience while your a pregnant teenager unless they have experienced it themselves. This takes us to number 3...
3. You find yourself relating to people with children more.
I have found that some of the random people I never talked to before have a lot of advice and know a lot about where I'm coming from. These are some of the people I will probably be keeping in contact with (when there is free time) because it is really important to have some support from people who know what it is like while you are going through it. If I didn't have these people to call on when I am having a major meltdown who can calm me down and explain things to me in a way that puts it all in perspective, I would be in a straight jacket. Speaking of straight jackets the other thing that makes me go nuts is, well... number 4
4. People will touch you, a lot.
Some people I really don't mind touching my tummy but I have a few thoughts on this. Pregnancy is not all glamour and glitz, there are some days you don't even want people to look at you much less TOUCH you. Therefore it is always best to ask permission to rub all up on someones baby bump. Also, if you barely know the person you probably shouldn't even ask. And if your a guy (there probably aren't any even reading this) don't touch please, it's kind of creepy. Unless your family. (:

Catch you guys next time

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Chapter 1

Today is New Years Day, January 1, 2011. I felt like starting a new blog because this next year is starting so many new things for me. Jeremy and I are going to meet our handsome little boy, Elijah Jordan, in May and we are so excited! On July 13th, 2011 Jeremy and I will have been together for 2 years; and they have flown by! Sometime this summer (depending on my hours and maternity leave) I will be graduating from The Academy of Hair Design, passing my State Board tests to get my cosmetology license, and getting a job. There are just so many new and exciting things coming up and I want to be able to write them all down, even if I am the only one who ever looks back at this.

Today I am 22 weeks pregnant and getting more and more excited to meet our precious Elijah, but what nobody tells you is how scared they truly are. This week we moved my stuff out of the room I have lived in since I can even remember being alive into our game room. For most people this may not seem like it's a big deal but I have hormones raging through my body at the speed of light and now all of a sudden there is a baby crib right next to my bed. To say the least, I was feeling a little overwhelmed. I mean honestly, nobody really pictures themselves having a baby when they are not married at 18 years old when they still live with their parents. If I were to tell you I am 100% at peace with my situation I would totally be lying. I am scared, excited, nervous, anxious, happy, and joyful and don't even tell me that feeling all those emotions and more wouldn't overwhelm you. In just around 5 months, I will be a mother and Jeremy will be a father. I am just so thankful to have people that I can call on to reassure me that everything is going to be fine and that I will be a good mother. And more importantly I am so blessed to have a God that tells me "The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace." Psalm 29:11

And you know what else nobody ever tells you? How much your body freaking changes when you are pregnant. I won't go into anything graphic to spare you but honestly... your body doesn't even feel like your own anymore. And when you feel that first movement.. the flip that feels like a fish is flopping in your belly... it gets even stranger! For me it brought on acne like I have never even had in my life along with emotions that literally make you feel like you are going insane. Although, I think all the "weird cravings" people get is a bunch of bull. I have not once craved pickles and ice cream or any other odd variety of things. But the worst part of it all was the morning sickness that lasted for a lot longer than in the morning. It was there when I woke up, all day while I was at school, and up until I fell asleep at night. And it's not even that I was throwing up, it was just being nauseous 100% of the time and only eating crackers and drinking Gatorade. Don't worry, it usually only lasts from about 6 weeks up until the 14th week. I lucked out and only had it from about 7 weeks until about 12 or 13 weeks.

That's just about all I've got for you guys for now. Happy Blogging!