Thursday, December 1, 2011


I had a friend recently tell me that God was telling her to tell me the word indulge. At the moment I had no idea what it could mean. But the more I keep stepping out and trusting God for the things he has promised me.. the more I am seeing them come through and the more I am able to indulge myself in them!

Growth is never easy and usually not very fun while you are in the middle of it but once you pass certain obstacles it feels so great to know God gave you the power to endure through those times to get to the other side! I cannot imagine my life without my precious baby boy. He has brought light to what could have been a very dark situation and he continues to light it up more each and every day! He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Since he has existed I have grown SO MUCH because I want to be the best mom I can possibly be for him. I am so excited for the season of life I am in right now and i am going to INDULGE myself in it!


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